How To Set Up Voice Mod

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Get Voice Changers set up in all your favorite games by activating Voicemod with Steam 🎮⬇️ Click 'Show More' for additional info ⬇️Key Feature Highlights:. Voicemod Setup injects various ads on every website you visit. Even web pages that are otherwise ad-free get heavy on banner and in-text ads. Coupons and discounts cover your screen every time you as much as touch your browser. Push-up notifications pop up at the most inconvenient times. Even your videos get paused for long commercial breaks. VoiceMOD Setup instruction and overview. Quick guide to set up your voicemod app. Simple easy to follow instructions and as well as giving overview of the.

This will be Short and Simple,

go to


scroll down to:

(define 'phrases'
('phrase_voice' args %0 rus 1 %1)
('phrase_voice' args %0 rus 2 %1)
('phrase_voice' args %0 rus 3 %1)

('phrase_voice' args %0 ger 1 %1)
('phrase_voice' args %0 ger 2 %1)

('phrase_voice' args %0 eng 1 %1)

('phrase_voice' args %0 usa 1 %1)
('phrase_voice' args %0 usa 2 %1)

make it like this

(define 'phrases'
('phrase_voice' args %0 rus 1 %1)
('phrase_voice' args %0 rus 2 %1)
('phrase_voice' args %0 rus 3 %1)

('phrase_voice' args %0 ger 1 %1)
('phrase_voice' args %0 ger 2 %1)

('phrase_voice' args %0 eng 1 %1)

('phrase_voice' args %0 usa 1 %1)
('phrase_voice' args %0 usa 2 %1)

('phrase_voice' args %0 new 1 %1)


go to


copy the usa folder and rename it to 'new',

since we are going to make new voices ,delete the .wav files in the 'new' folder

open up the 'new' folder and

hold ctrl and press F

search for .wav, select all and delete

now here comes the crazy part of them all O_o,


Your voices must go into the V1 folder, so ignore V2 because we aren't using that. Whatever voices you want to add to men of war, you must first play all the voices in a media player and decide whether it should go in 'attack', 'scream_of_pain', or 'death_cry'. Lets break them down first to prevent headaches haha.

alert ; unused 'Air Alert'
amazement ; unused 'they didn't tell us about it'
enemy_is_destroyed ; unused 'Shot in the eye!, perfectly done' (USED IN AS2 after enemy is shot and killed)
jubilation ; unused 'We did it!'

in_action ; the sounds the unit makes in battle, 'enemy is ahead' or 'lets give him fire'
attack ; same as in_action, copy&paste; time!
cover_fire ; same as in_action, copy&paste; time!
cries_in_battle ; same as in_action, copy&paste; time!

throwing_a_grenade ; sound the unit makes when throwing a grenade 'catch this!'

things_look_blue ; unit with low health is outnumbered 'We're all gonna die!'
retreat ; same as things_look_blue 'Fall Back' or 'Retreat!'

death_cry ; the units death sound 'Agh!'

scream_of_pain ; when the unit gets hit by a bullet and is injured 'Ouch'

selection_of_units ; when you click on a unit and he says 'Yes Sir'
executing_an_order ; when you tell a unit to move, and he says 'Will do that'
impossibility_to_execute_an_order ; if a unit is unable to execute an order. 'I can't do that'

MAINTENANCE: (Haven't ever heard this in the game, but it could be there, IDK X_x.)
maintenance_is_finished; 'maintenance is over' or 'Were done fixing the Tank!'

ill_take_grenades ; when you give a grenade to the unit's inventory
ill_take_ammo ; when you give ammo to the units inventory

How To Use Discord With Voice Mod

SHOT FROM A WEAPON: (Haven't heard this either :)
shot_from_a_bazooka ; clicking bazooka icon in F1, F2 menu
shot_from_a_sniper_rifle ; clicking the sniper icon in F1, F2 menu

How To Set Up Voice Mod Pro


Your voices must go into the V1 folder, so ignore V2 because we aren't using that. Whatever voices you want to add to men of war, you must first play all the voices in a media player and decide whether it should go in 'attack', 'scream_of_pain', or 'death_cry'. Lets break them down first to prevent headaches haha.

alert ; unused 'Air Alert'
amazement ; unused 'they didn't tell us about it'
enemy_is_destroyed ; unused 'Shot in the eye!, perfectly done' (USED IN AS2 after enemy is shot and killed)
jubilation ; unused 'We did it!'

in_action ; the sounds the unit makes in battle, 'enemy is ahead' or 'lets give him fire'
attack ; same as in_action, copy&paste; time!
cover_fire ; same as in_action, copy&paste; time!
cries_in_battle ; same as in_action, copy&paste; time!

throwing_a_grenade ; sound the unit makes when throwing a grenade 'catch this!'

things_look_blue ; unit with low health is outnumbered 'We're all gonna die!'
retreat ; same as things_look_blue 'Fall Back' or 'Retreat!'

death_cry ; the units death sound 'Agh!'

scream_of_pain ; when the unit gets hit by a bullet and is injured 'Ouch'

selection_of_units ; when you click on a unit and he says 'Yes Sir'
executing_an_order ; when you tell a unit to move, and he says 'Will do that'
impossibility_to_execute_an_order ; if a unit is unable to execute an order. 'I can't do that'

MAINTENANCE: (Haven't ever heard this in the game, but it could be there, IDK X_x.)
maintenance_is_finished; 'maintenance is over' or 'Were done fixing the Tank!'

ill_take_grenades ; when you give a grenade to the unit's inventory
ill_take_ammo ; when you give ammo to the units inventory

How To Use Discord With Voice Mod

SHOT FROM A WEAPON: (Haven't heard this either :)
shot_from_a_bazooka ; clicking bazooka icon in F1, F2 menu
shot_from_a_sniper_rifle ; clicking the sniper icon in F1, F2 menu

How To Set Up Voice Mod Pro

and thats all.

Now start up your game, open up breed editor, go to your unit and below nationality there is voice, in voice type in new and exit breeds and save, now start up a battle and spawn that unit and see if that unit has the new sounds

How to insert audio into imovie. make sure your sounds are in .wav format or .mp3, if your voices don't play then convert them to .wav with GoldWave.

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